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二十四节气·花园 1

胡曙霞 电子版 下载


图书分类:文学 图书标签:散文 语言:汉语 出版时间:2020-03-01 书号:978-7-5705-1638-4
出版社: 江西教育出版社 已译语言: 暂无
输出国家: 暂无
译者: 暂无

在恰当的时候赏恰当的花,记录美与自然的对话,是一种生活的 情致与雅趣。本书以二十四节气为时间脉络,通过花事与节气的契合 点,给节气以生动的色彩、气息和味道,给花事以感人的情怀、寄托 和向往,让传统文化活色生香、可感可知,诗词、传说、民俗,均有 涉猎。

To meet every beautiful flower at its blossom time and to record the dialogue between beauty and nature is an enjoyment of life. The book takes 24 solar terms as the time context. The combination of flowers and solar terms give the readers a vivid image about the flower’s color, fragrance and taste. The book collects many poetry, legends, folk customs and stories about flower to show their beauty and love.