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Calico Publishing


国家: 新西兰 机构类别:出版原创 网站: calicopublishing.co.nz


Calico Publishing is an independent publishing company established by Linda Cassells. We publish non-fiction books, with a focus on health, wellbeing and lifestyle. We also manage the international rights for selected fiction and non-fiction authors. We attend the Frankfurt Book Fair every year, as well as other book fairs around the world. At Calico Publishing our focus is international. We choose authors and topics that will both appeal locally and have good international potential. We like working closely with our authors, and we like our books to stay in print for some time. In most cases our books come from ideas we have originated and then commissioned authors to write, but we always welcome new ideas. If you would like to discuss a publishing project with us, have a look at our submissions guidelines.