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国籍 科特迪瓦 母语英语 精通语言 兴趣标签政治、国际关系、经济、文化艺术、新闻传播

2010 - 2013, Alassane Ouattara University - Bouake, Ph.D.; 

2008 - 2012, Maison de la Presse Abidjan, Communications Specialist/ Media Trainer & Researcher; 2014 - 2018, Peleforo Gbon Coulibaly University - Korhogo, Dr. Professor of Communications/ Media; 

Recent Academic Works by Dr. Selay Marius Kouassi, University Professor, Media Researcher and Trainer

1-Reading Xi Jinping's Work Up and Out of Poverty from an African perspective, January 2018.

This academic research looks at China’s efforts in poverty alleviation, relief and development. It analyses the 29 speeches that constitute the book ‘Up and Out of Poverty’, from an African perspective and displays how Africans, while learning from China’s experience, and navigating through innovative ideas and thoughts could help get rid of poverty of the mind before alleviating poverty in general. 

2-China’s Belt and Road Plan : Opportunities and Threats for Africa, July 2017

This study reviews potential positive and negative impacts of the Belt and Road Initiative and looks at how the negative impacts can be managed by African leaders. It also summarizes and analyses the Initiative in the context of China-Africa relations and develop scenarios on how the Initiative is likely to unfold in Africa.

3-How and why is Chinese Medecine becoming part of Health care System in Africa ?, March 2016

This research highlights the interaction between Chinese nationals, practitioners of traditional chinese medicine and the African health personal (nurses, and administrative staff) across Africa and how chinese medical doctors have become part of the African health care system. On the other hand, it exposes why more and more Africans are relying on Chinese medecine 

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