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国籍 罗马尼亚 母语罗马尼亚语 精通语言 英语   汉语   兴趣标签政治、语言文学、其他

2010, 布加勒斯特大学, 博士学位; 2003-2006, 北京语言大学, 硕士研究生; 1997-2001, 北京语言文化大学, 本科生; 

2006至今, 布加勒斯特大学, 汉语教师; 


1.Zlotea, Mugur, Transferul şi echivalarea conceptelor de "libertate" şi "drepturi", în discursul modernităţii chineze de la începutul secolului XX, (The Transfer and Equivalence of the Concepts of Liberty and Rights in the Chinese Reformist Discourse, at the Beginning of the 20th Century), Bucharest: University of Bucharest Press, 2012

Translated Books

1.Yu Hua, În viaţă (To live), Bucharest: Humanitas, 2016

2.Cele mai frumoase basme chinezesti (The Most Beautiful Chinese Fairy Tales), selected and translated from Chinese. Bucharest: Polirom, 2016.

3.Ren Qiliang (ed.). Cunoştinţe generale despre cultura chineză (Common Knowledge About Chinese Culture). Translated from Chinese. Beijing: Beijing Language University Press, ISBN 978-7-5619-3953-6


1.Zlotea, Mugur, "Appeal to Confucianism in Chinese Political Discourse: Hu Jintao's Human-Centered Rhetoric", Irina Vainovski-Mihai (ed.), New Europe College Ştefan Odobleja Yearbook 2014-2015, New Europe College, 2016, pp. 253-278 

2.Zlotea, Mugur, "Translation as Space of Remembrance", Traditii în dialog, Vişan F. and Zlotea M. (eds.), Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, 2016(5): 61-68

3.-----------------, "Zhongguo wenxue zai Luomaniya deyijian zhuangkuang" (Translated Chinese Works in Romania), in Wenhua jiaoliu (China and the World. Cultural Exchage), 2015(supplement):166-169

4.--------, "Weaving Confucianism into the Official Party Discourse: From Hu Jintao's "Harmonious Society", to Xi Jinping's Communist junzi", in Jana S. Rosker and Natasa Visocnik (eds.), Contemporary East Asia and the Confucian Revival, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015, pp. 149-170

5.--------, "The Translator as Writer of Children's Literature - A Case of Mistaken Identity", in Hsien-hao Liao, Tien-en Kao and Yaofu Lin (eds.), The Making of a Translator. Multiple Perspectives, Taipei: The Language Training and Testing Center, 2013, pp. 189-208

6.Zlotea, Mugur, Sonika Gupta, "The Internet in China: A Study of Micro Blogging in China Leading Up the 18th Party Congress", in CV Ranganathan and Sanjeev Kumar (eds.), The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. A Major Turning Point for China, New Delhi: Pentagon Press, 2013, pp. 192-220

7.-----------------, "Manipulation and Translation. The Analysis of the Translation of President Barack Obama's Speech in Chinese", in Oriental Languages in Translation and Interpretation. Vol. 4. Andrzej Zaborski and Marek Piela (eds.), Krakow, Poland, 2013(4): 189-198

8.-----------------, "Rousseau's Du contract social and the Chinese Understanding of Sovereign and Sovereignty", in Vişan F., Yuksel D. (eds.), Tradiţii în dialog, Bucharest: University of Bucharest Press, 2012(3): 65-76

9.-----------------, "The Origins of Liberty and Rights in China", The Annals of the University of Bucharest, Foreign Languages and Literatures, 2010: 83-94 

10.-----------------, "Individ şi tradiţie" (The Individual and Tradition), in Vişan F., Focşeneanu A. (eds.), Tradiţii în dialog, Bucharest: University of Bucharest Press, 2009(2): 49 - 58

11.-----------------, "On Liberty in China at the Beginning of the 20th Century", in Irimia M., Ivana D. (eds.), Centralitate şi marginalitate, Bucharest: University of Bucharest Press, 2009: 157-165

12.-----------------, "Liberty's Long Journey Homewards - Confucian Interpretation of Liberty", in Irimia M., Ivana D. (eds.), ODISEI (III): Întoarcerea acasă, Bucharest: University of Bucharest Press, 2009: 353-362

13.-----------------, "The Twelfth Night or How They Will", - in Nicolaescu, M. & Corneanu, S. (eds.), (In)hospitable Translations: Fidelities, Betrayals, Rewritings, Bucharest: University of Bucharest Press, 2009: 177-188 

14.-----------------, "Analiza pătrunderii conceptelor politice occidentale în China, din perspectiva Şcolii Begriffsgeschichte" (An Analysis of the Western Concepts in China from the Perspective of Begriffsgeschichte) - in Derer D., Toma R., Tiu-Bulumete M. (eds.), Studia Doctoralia, Bucharest: University of Bucharest Press, 2008(2): 49 - 57

15.-----------------, "Primii paşi spre libertate" (First Steps Towards Liberty), in Vişan F., Zlotea M. (eds.), Tradiţii în dialog, Bucharest: University of Bucharest Press, 2008(1): 75 - 85

16.-----------------, "În vizită la Celălalt. Plăcerea traducerii" (Visiting the Other and the Pleasure of Translating), in Vişan F., Yuksel D. (eds.), Studia Doctoralia, Bucharest: University of Bucharest Press, 2007(1): 128 - 136

17.-----------------, "Manipulare prin traducere" (Manipulation Through Translation), in Vişan F., Bălan L., Luca D. (eds.), Studii de sinologie, Bucharest: University of Bucharest Press, 2006: 188 - 200

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