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  • 南非德班国际电影节

    国家: 南非
    南非德班国际电影节(Durban International Film Festival,DIFF),创办于1979年,是南非历史最悠久的国际性电影节,每年7月底连续12天在德班举行,展映来自全世界的250部影片,会特设南非及非洲电影的独立单元。电影在德班的不同地点放映,包括那些还未建立电影院的农村地区。电影节还同时举办论坛和工作坊项目,以增进产业活力。电影节的"天才营"项目,与柏林电影节,德班电影市场合作,由来自非洲的40个国家的电影人参与其中。德班国际电影节由创意艺术中心举办。
  • BK Publishing

    国家: 南非
    BK Publishing is a vibrant publishing house in the heart of Pretoria. We are a young creative team of passionate publishers, journalists and graphic designers who focus on creating quality, proudly South African publications. We offer various publishing, corporate and creative services to the pub
  • Random House Struik Publishers

    国家: 南非
    In August 2008 Random House South Africa and Struik Publishers announced their merger to create a significant new player in the African book publishing industry. The new company, known as Random House Struik, brought together two of the country's most prominent book publishers. Random House Stru
  • Kima Global Publishers

    国家: 南非
    Member Type: Company / Publishers / Lifestyle Publishing We specialise in Mind, Body, Spirit titles and also most genres with the word "alternative" or "new" in them. We are very supportive of our authors who get personal attention from our staff. Our authors are all experts in their fields and are
  • 国家: 南非 网站:www.capemedia.co.za/ 成立时间:1978
    Cape Media Corporation is South Africa's leading publisher of specialist business-to-business magazines, with titles covering all major sectors of industry. Leading this stable is Leadership magazine, an institution among South African magazines providing intelligence and insight since 1978. Cape Me
  • LAPA

    LAPA is an acronym for Reading Afrikaans, Speaking Afrikaans. We mainly publish Afrikaans books, but also publish some titles in English. Affordable books for every age group and taste are LAPA's goal. We know it's important for children to read books in their mother tongue, so we offer a selecti
  • 国家: 南非 网站:www.blackletterm.com/#about 成立时间:2011
    Founded by duduzile zamantungwa mabaso in 2011, Black Letter Media is a full service print and digital publishing and story development for television and film company. Black Letter Media focusses on publishing new African storytellers who have a unique, powerful and alternative vision of Africa.
  • CISU

    国家: 南非 网站:www0.sun.ac.za/cisu/about.html 成立时间:2007
    History The Confucius Institute at Stellenbosch University (CISU) was established at the end of 2007. Since its inception, the CISU was based at the Centre for Chinese Studies at Stellenbosch University. In 2009 however, it moved its bases to the SU International. Structure Directorship: B
  • 约翰内斯堡大学

  • 邦博书刊有限责任公司(Bumble Books)

    2014年,Bumble Books开始出版面向早期读者的儿童图画书,作者是南非的新插画家,他们也是作家;新插图画家和作家;以及与南非儿童有关的国际儿童出版物。Bumble Books寻找的文学和艺术价值是有趣、生动和娱乐性的,而不是过于说教或说教。大多数故事都带有某种形式的信息,但这对我们的选择标准来说并不重要。通过这种方式,Bumble可以为来自世界各地不同背景的父母和孩子们提供激动人心、富有想象力和视觉效果的故事,同时也提供了一个平台,向全世界展示新的南非儿童作家和插画家。