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李骏 导演


编剧/Scriptwriter: 浮石 主演/Stars:王志文 张国立 韩雨芹 制片人:许东 何文 彭晓林 出品公司:电广传媒文化发展有限公司 北京卓越东方 北京鑫宝源影视投资 类型/Type: 爱情 制片国家/地区Country: 中国大陆 语言/language:汉语普通话 上映日期/Release Date:2012-06-04 时长/Runtime:40集*45
"张仲平是3D 拍卖公司老总 他派外甥徐艺带50 万现金找开发商左达 以换取该大厦拍卖推荐函。左达与徐艺赌输赢 最终以自己跳楼自杀收场。而省下50 万的徐艺萌生离开舅舅、自立门户的念头。徐艺偶遇暗恋自己的师妹辛然 特别是知道辛然的父亲周运年是市委副秘书长后 他马上与辛然进入热恋之中。底气十足的徐艺要自办拍卖公司 他频频用各种潜规则拓展自己的拍卖业务 这令业内同行深感不满 他们决定出招了。 Zhang Zhongping is president of a 3-D auction company. He orders his nephew Xu Yi to take 500 000 RMB in cash to a meeting with developer Zuo Da in orderto obtain a recommendation letter for auctioning the building. Zuo Da makes abet with Xu Yi but ends up committing suicide by jumping off the building. With500 000 RMB in cash Xu Yi considers leaving his uncle and setting up his owncompany. By chance Xu Yi meets a junior schoolfellow named Xinran who has a crush on him. When Xu Yi learns that her father serves as Deputy SecretaryGeneral of City Party Committee he is immediately and passionately in love withher. Xu Yi wants to establish his own auction company. He frequently uses variousmisdeeds to expand his business which annoys his competitors and they decideto fight back against Xu Yi. "