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Lao Zi Interpreted — Sayings of Lao Zi (Chinese-English Edition)


原语种: 书号: 作者: 出版机构: 出版时间:2016-04-21

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书号/ISBN:9787802006270定价/Price: ¥48.00内容简介/Introduction:As a Chinese classic work, Tao Te Ching is a fascinating work of philosophical literature. According to Lao Zi,Tao refers to the way of the universe, and Te refers to the function that follows on, and emerges from, the way.It continues to have a great influence on Chinese ideology and cultural development.With only 5000 Chinese characters, the ancient classic Tao Te  Ching is a profound  work of high philosophical worth, that  has  had a significant impact on both Chinese and Western ideology and culture. The German Philosopher Nietzsche once described it as “an in exhaustible wellspring of great treasures”.